Guitars4Grrrls was founded in 2021 with a mission to increase the representation of women and non-binary people and decrease the gender divide in the music industry. Our goal is to help our grrrls feel confident in expressing themselves and to learn how to take up space and be loud without being apologetic.
G4G runs a no-cost guitar program that provides eligible teens in the London, Ontario area with a free acoustic, electric, or bass guitar package and connects these teens with lessons, gear workshops, and bands in need of new members.
Through live events and social media, Guitars4Grrrls is fostering an online community where grrrls of all backgrounds and ages can connect and have a safe space to talk about all things music - from music history to new artists and gear and everything in between.
We are entirely volunteer-run and donation based and are currently in the process of legalizing as a non-profit in the province of Ontario. We rely on financial and physical donations of gear to run our guitar program and raise funds through hosting live events and selling merch.

Guitars4Grrrls guitar program provides eligible applicants with acoustic, electric, or bass guitar packages at no cost. All guitar packages include a guitar, gig bag, guitar strap, capo, and picks. Electric guitar and bass guitar packages also include combo amps and patch cords.
Our guitar program is funded by gear and monetary donations. We collect gear donations and purchase used gear from the community that is then tested and set-up by our guitar tech. Our coordinator then sets up a time with the applicant for a delivery or pick-up which is facilitated by our driver.
To be eligible for our program, applicants must be between the ages of 13-19, identify as female, non-binary or two-spirit, and not currently own a guitar.

"My hope for the future, not just in the music industry, but in every young girl I meet, is that they all realize their worth and ask for it."